martes, 11 de septiembre de 2018

Big changes

Big changes always shake things inside, so I've been understandably restless since I made the decision to leave.

People ask, of course, "Why are you leaving?" Ha, I shrug and smile.. "For the same reason you want to leave too". I try to look confident because that's what you are supposed to do.
But then, last night, something happened. My brain was attacking me with memories and imagination.

After a few minutes of discomfort, I decided to boldly look where no man has looked before and I stared at my feelings. Scared, but calm.

What I saw was just a small little ego in pain. The poor guy has been beaten up consistently for months now, so I understood. I hugged it and instantly fell asleep.

It doesn't really matter where I go, but this week.. is the last week.

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